+27 21 593 2193 info@italbearings.co.za


As a company, Bearings Distributors doesn't only focus on specific markets, but instead services several markets spanning numerous industries. The end-user market does however form the majority of our customer base, but this is mainly due to the service levels we offer, thus reducing downtime for these companies. Due to favourable pricing structures we are able to be competitive in the following markets:

  • End-user
  • O.E.M (Original Equipment Manufacturers)
  • Distributor and Resellers
  • Engineering
  • Export

Our Geographical market has no restrictions, but as a Cape Town based company, we concentrate on the South African market, as well as other African countries. Servicing customers in other regions of the country has never been a problem as a result of the various distributors we deal with in major centres.

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